The same force that scatters my clothes
Making it harder to pack Sends children flying in wild directions Leaving but suitcases, and promises. The seed of this rock of smooth metal was sown Earlier than anyone can remember. This can't be wrong, But good things turn wrong when time is short. It is a gift to see your glass half full More so to mix the passions you drink. But the greatest legacy is the aftertaste The state of mind, now changed. Good stuff cannot be undone. And this is good. Cheers for now... ...every line I describe
on any horizon will speak of a journey small flies and insects housed in the cracks nourished and warm will sing the tale of every leaf fallen from dusk till dawn. When I become me time will release me from pressure and strain juices will flow again no longer replaced neglected no more the full flow of nature's course. Perhaps she will come and sit beneath me perhaps her warrior will come to meet her and stab my bark to impress! But I don't mind. I am a tree I stretch my branches I've had my chance and now... And now? To sleep, princess my heart will be here for some years still to guard you and then when I'm gone you'll find me rooted In the earth I adored until it can feed me until you can love. I wouldn't want to live any longer. Libertà
Il fatto di non averla E di esservi abituati Non può e non deve Ridurre lo scandalo. Sapere che i frutti nel canestro sulla tavola
il sostegno dei miei giorni non sono un risultato mio mi riempie di gioia. Briciole granelli gocce d'acqua e cellule hanno tutti un angelo accanto sulla superficie lunare. The Doctor resets the
Countdown You will insist on visualizing. Till next time. I hope there is no next time, So You Can Just Live. I don't care about preparing,
Or the clothes, or how I get there. I don't mind who's coming, Or whether it'll rain. Tonight I concentrate on the rest: All that's left is rock and roll. Si riempiono le mensole
E gli spazi vuoti di funzioni Improbabili Giocattoli Rumore Più del solito. La sera stanchi In silenzio Si riposano Dalla fatica della felicità. |
November 2024